
Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

About The Yoga Sutras and other ponderings.

Asana Practise and Wellness Through Movement Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

Jooganidra lyhyesti

June 1, 2020
Jooganidra selitys

Jooganidra, tai jooginen unennäkö joksi sitä myös kutsutaan, on olennainen osa joogaperinnettä ja sen moninaisia muotoja. Jooganidra on meditatiivinen harjoitus, ja se sopii useimmille ihmisille riippumatta heidän fyysisetä kunnostaan tai aiemmasta joogataustasta. Jooga nidra ei kuitenkaan ole yhtä laajasti tunnettu harjoitus kuin esimerkiksi joogan fyysisemmät muodot, vaikka siinä ei ole kyse mistään mystisestä. Lue alta lyhyesti mistä kaikesta jooganidrasta on kysymys. Tietoisen levon harjoitus Jooganidra on tietoisen levon…

Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

Simple Mindfulness Exercises for Every Day – Part 2

May 21, 2019

Few days ago I shared in this post few simple Mindfulness Exercises you can easily incorporate in our daily lives. The practises given were more about bringing the attention in the “externals” of the moment, through focusing on outside sounds and the physical body. The next two exercises are more about finding the “being in the now” through focusing on the internal. As in the previous exercises, find…

Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

Simple Mindfulness Exercises for Every Day

May 16, 2019
Body Scan

Over the last few years Mindfulness has become to the awareness of general public internationally, although its roots can be traced thousands of years back. But what is Mindfulness exactly and how do you exercise it? A useful definition of Mindfulness comes from Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn who developed his first stress-reduction programme in the 70s. He regards the practise as “the awareness that arises through paying attention, on…

Asana Practise and Wellness Through Movement Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

Yoga for Mental Health Awareness

May 13, 2019

In The UK this week is The Mental Health Awareness Week, hosted by Mental Health Foundation. I have written about this topic before and it is a real pleasure to notice how, as the years go by, there is more and more awareness on the importance of taking care of our mental health and the different forms mental health issues can take. The society at large is more…

Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

OM So Hum – Mantra

September 11, 2018
Mantra, OM, Sacred

Those of you who have been to my classes over the past few weeks might remember the Om So Hum – Mantra from the beginning and end of the classes. With some of you I talked briefly about the message of this mantra but I wanted to share it more widely here in the blog too. First things first though, what is a “mantra”? The literal Sanskrit meaning…

Yoga Philosophy and Mindfulness

5 X Daily Routine To Stay Grounded and Keep Going

April 24, 2018

Whether you find it boring or not, there are a lot of good things to be said about daily routine: Several studies have proved that having a routine can, for example, reduce stress, improve sleep and consequently lead to improved health. Other benefits of routine include the possibility of eliminating certain time consuming tasks from your days completely so you can focus on the essentials: Hence the distinctly…

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